ડાઉનલોડ – પી.ડી.એફ.  district judge exam

DJ – 65% (RC/1250/2023) 1 | P a g e HIGH COURT OF GUJARAT AT SOLA, AHMEDABAD Website: www.gujarathighcourt.nic.in AND https://hc-ojas.gujarat.gov.in NO. RC/1250/2023 RECRUITMENT NOTICE – DISTRICT JUDGE (65%) PROMOTION TO THE CADRE OF DISTRICT JUDGE (65%) FROM AMONGST THE SENIOR CIVIL JUDGES ON THE BASIS OF PRINCIPLE OF MERIT-CUM-SENIORITY AND PASSING A SUITABILITY TEST. 1. VACANCIES AND PAY-SCALE : (i) In view of the guidelines of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of Malik Mazhar Sultan & Anr. Vs. U.P.Public Service Commission & Ors. and The Gujarat State Judicial Service Rules, 2005, as amended from time to time, The High Court of Gujarat has decided to fill up 82 (59 + 23*) vacancies in the cadre of District Judges (65%) by promotion from amongst the Senior Civil Judges having not less than two years of qualifying service in that cadre, as on 11/06/2024, in the pay-scale of Rs.1,44,840/–Rs.1,94,660/ + allowances, as admissible under the Rules. [*23 unfilled vacancies of 10% quota of Year-2023 are to be filled up by regular promotion in view of Judgment dated 09.12.2021 of the High Court of Gujarat (Coram:- Honourable Ms.Justice Sonia Gokani and Honourable Mr.Justice Rajendra M. Sareen) delivered in SCA/7915/2020 with SCA/13631 & 13458/2020 and by operation of proviso to Rule 5(1)(ii)of the Gujarat State Judicial Service Rules, 2005 amended by Notification dated 23.06.2011.] (ii) The High Court reserves its right to alter the number of vacancies. (iii) The List showing names of 247 eligible Senior Civil Judges included in the zone of consideration for being considered for promotion to the cadre of District Judges (65%) is placed on the High Court website and HC-OJAS Portal along with this Notice. 2. SCHEME FOR PROMOTION : Following are the Five Components for assessing the suitability of a Judicial Officer for promotion. Sr. No. Components of Suitability Test Marks 1. Written Test (Objective Type – MCQs) 100 2. Examination and Evaluation of Annual Confidential Reports for last five years 20 3. Assessment of Average Disposal of last five years of the Judicial Officer concerned. 20 4. Evaluation of Judgments delivered by the Judicial Officer concerned during the period of last two years. 40 5. Viva-voce Test 20 DJ – 65% (RC/1250/2023) 2 | P a g e The Promotion Process shall be conducted in Four Phases as shown below: 1st Phase 1st Component – Written Test (Objective Type – MCQs) [100 Marks] shall be conducted. 2nd Phase Next Two components i.e. Examination and Evaluation of Annual Confidential Reports for last five years and Assessment of Average Disposal of last five years of the Officer concerned, will be considered and evaluated by the Committee, of only those Judicial Officers who will qualify in the Written Test by securing Minimum 40% Marks. 3rd Phase 4th Component – Evaluation of Judgments of the Officer concerned for last two years will be considered, however, the requisite Judgments will be called for from only those Judicial Officers, who will secure Minimum 40% Marks in each Component of Written Test, ACRs and Disposals. 4th Phase Last Component – The Viva-voce Test (20 Marks) shall be conducted of only those Judicial Officers who will secure Minimum 40% Marks in the Component of Written Test, ACRs, Disposals and Evaluation of Judgments. 3. Written Test (Objective Type – MCQs) [100 Marks]: (i) The Written Test shall consist of 01 (One) Paper of 100 Marks with 02 Hours duration, consisting of 100 Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) of 01 Mark each, with no Negative Marking, on following Subjects : Sr. No. Subjects Marks 1. Legal Knowledge 50 2. Administrative Knowledge 25 3. General Knowledge & Aptitude Test 25 Total Marks 100 Detailed Syllabus attached herewith at Annexure-A (ii) The Judicial Officer has to secure minimum 40% Marks to qualify in the Written Test. Mere passing of Written Test (Objective Type – MCQs) by the concerned Judicial Officer would not give him/her right of having secured the position in the Select List. It will be subject to passing of other Components as well. (iii) The Written Test (Objective Type – MCQs) shall be conducted on OMR Sheet, on 18/08/2024 (Sunday) in the Gujarat State Judicial Academy. (iv) The OMR Sheets of the Written Test (Objective Type – MCQs) will be assessed / evaluated by the Computer as per entries made on OMR Sheet. As the evaluation is being done on the Computer by Scanning, there is no human intervention and hence, queries relating to rechecking of the OMR DJ – 65% (RC/1250/2023) 3 | P a g e Sheets, subsequent to the Written Test (Objective Type – MCQs), will not be entertained by the High Court. High Court reserves its rights to hold examination by any other mode also and if it so held, then also rechecking / re-evaluation request will not be entertained by the High Court. (v) The Language of the Question Paper will be English. 4. ELIGIBILITY FOR PROMOTION: The Judicial Officer, who obtains Minimum 40% Marks in each Component and Aggregate of 50% in the Grand Total of all the above Five (05) Components, shall be eligible for being included in the Select List for promotion. 5. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS : (i) The eligible Judicial Officers may download their E-call letter from the HC-OJAS Portal from 12/08/2024 onwards. (ii) The Judicial Officer attending the Written Test (Objective Type – MCQs) may be treated as on duty and may be admissible for TA/DA as applicable. (iii) Result of the Written Test (Objective Type – MCQs) will be made available on the High Court websites and/or by any other mode that may be decided by the High Court. (iv) The Component Wise Marks obtained by the concerned Judicial Officers would be communicated by providing a link to a webpage on the HC-OJAS Portal, with One Time Password (OTP) via SMS sent on their Registered Mobile Number, after conclusion of the entire Promotion Process. High Court of Gujarat, Sola, Ahmedabad – 380 060. Sd/- Date : 26/07/2024 Registrar (Recruitment) DJ – 65% (RC/1250/2023) 4 | P a g e Annexure – ‘A’  Syllabus of the Written Test (Objective Type – MCQs) for promotion to the Cadre of District Judge (65% quota) :
(1) Legal Knowledge (a) Civil & Criminal Laws

1. The Constitution of India 2. The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, 3. The Transfer of Property Act, 1882, 4. The Specific Relief Act, 1963, 5. The Indian Partnership Act, 1932, 6. The Indian Contract Act, 1872, 7. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930, 8. The Limitation Act, 1963, 9. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, 10. The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, 11. The Commercial Courts Act, 2015 12. The Family Courts Act, 1984, 13. The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, 14. The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, 15. The Indian Penal Code, 1860 & The Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023 16. The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 & The Bharatiya Nagrik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023. 17. The Indian Evidence Act, 1872 & The Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023 18. The Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985, 19. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, 20. The Protection of Children from Sexual Offence Act, 2012, 21. The Juvenile Justices (Care & Protection of Children) Act, 2015, 22. The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989, 23. The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 24. The Electricity Act, 2003, 25. The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 26. The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956 27. The Information Technology Act, 2000 28. The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986 (b) Legal Maxims (c) Medical Jurisprudence (d) Jurisprudence and Legal Phraseology (2) Administrative Knowledge [GCS Rules 2002, Civil Manual, Criminal Manual, etc.] (3) General Knowledge & Aptitude Test [Test of Reasoning, Numerical & Mental Ability & Psychological Test, etc.]

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