Swaran Singh v/s. Punjab (A.I.R. 2000 S.C. 2017)

_ “Perjury has also become a way of life in the law courts. A trial judge knows that the witness is telling a lie & is going back on his previous statement, yet he does not wish to punish him or even file a complaint against him. He is required to sign the complaint himself which deters him from filing the complaint. Perhaps law needs amendment to clause (b) of Section 340 (3) of Cr.P.C. in this respect as the High court can direct any officer to file a complaint. To get rid of the evil of perjury, the court should resort to the use of the provisions of law as contained in chapter XXVI of Cr.P.C”.

“It has become more or less a fashion to have a criminal case adjourned again and again till the witness tires and he gives up. It is the game of unscrupulous lawyers to get the adjournments for one excuse or the other till a witness is won over or is tired, (omitted). In adjourning the matter without any valid cause a Court unwittingly becomes party to miscarriage of justice. A person abhors becoming a witness. It is the administration of justice that suffers

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