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Short Summary of CRPC For Exams & Practice Aspect for Lawyers & Dias tool of JMFC
- General Inquiry & Trial
- Section 231 :- Additional witness for prosecution can be allowed
- State of Bombay Vs Mohamadh Khan, AIR 1960 Bom 150
- Section 235(2) :- To hear on sentence de novo trial not necessary
- Narpal Singh & Others Vs State of Haryana AIR 1977 SC 1066
- Section 235(2) :- Accused upon conviction can be sent to jail until hearing on Sentence
- Ram Deo Chauhan Vs State of Assam (2001) 5SCC714
- Section 296 :- What is Formal evidence which can be taken on affidavit is explained
- State of Punjab Vs Naib Din AIR 2001 SC 3955
- Section 299 and 193 :- After committal sessions judge has jurisdiction to summon accused named in column No. 2 Constitution Bench Dharam Pal and Ors. Vs. State of Haryana and Anr. 2014(3) SCC 306
- Section 299 :- Unless common evidence is recorded the evidence against the tried accused cannot be read against absconding accused.
- Smt. Urmila Sahu Vs State of Orissa 1998 Cri. L J 1372 Orissa
- Section 300 :- & P.C. Act Section 19 Fresh trial not barred when the court had no jurisdiction to take cognizance due to invalid sanction State of Karnataka the CBI Vs. C. Nagarajswamy, AIR 2005 SC 4308
- Section 307 :- is invocable at post commitment
- Section 306:- is invocable at pre commitment
- Narayan Chetanram Chaudhary and Anr. Vs. Shri Maharastra, AIR 2000 SC 3352
- Section 313 :- Accused be informed that he can decline to give answers and his inculpatory statements may be taken into consideration Laxman alias Laxmayya Vs. The State of Maharashtra 2012 Cri. L.J. 2826 .
- Section 319 : - Larger Bench explained A Person discharged can be arraigned again as accused after an inquiry as contemplated by Section 300(5) and 398 (5JJs) Hardeep Singh Etc. Vs. State of Punjab and Ors. AIR 2014 SC 1400.
- Section 436 :- When the accused furnished bail bonds before the police officer in bailable offence, for his appearance before the court, fresh bail is not t0 be asked for Mani Malhotra Vs. State of Rajastan, 1991 Cr. L. J 806
- Section 437(6) :- Compulsory bail of accused in case the trial by Magistrate is not concluded in 6 months from the date of commencement.
- Section 437A :- Bail at the conclusion of Every Trial
- Section 446 :- Forfeiture of Bonds and Penalty.
- Section 446 A :- Accused cannot be released on mere P.R. Bond if he breached bail Bond.
- Section 344 :- Sum. Procedure for False Evidence.
- Section 345 :- Cases of Contempt :- U/S 175, 178, 179,180,228 Before rising of the court, the court may take cognizance of the offence and after show cause opportunity, sentence to fine up to Rs. 200/- I.D.S.I.For 1 Month.
Short Summary of CRPC For Exams & Practice Aspect for Lawyers & Dias tool of JMFC
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