Difference between abetment and attempt to an offence under IPC?
Abetment of an offence
- Abetment is done by any person to another by instigate ,aiding and conspiracy.
- By merely doing an abetment offence is committed.
- It is always essential for the abatement that they must be more than one person.
- It is not always necessary that at the time of commission of an offence the accused must be present on the site of the occurrence.
Attempt to an offence
- Attempt is consequence of abetment.
- In an attempt that desired commission of an offence is never completed.
- Only one person may commit attempt to an offence. It is not always essential that they must be more than one person for attempt to an offence.
- It is necessary for the attempt to an offence that the accused must be present on the site of occurrence.